X-rays can now be taken digitally and displayed on a computer. This means that we can quickly take highly detailed images that provide us with a view of your pet’s bones and internal organs. The result is being able to diagnose a wide range of medical conditions more quickly and more accurately than ever before! Digital x-rays can be saved as part of your pet’s medical record. Images can also be quickly shared via email to specialists when a second opinion or additional diagnosis is needed. Your pet’s time on the x-ray table is reduced because fewer images need to be taken.
Digital x-rays eliminate the need to use toxic chemicals in the film development process, decreasing the risk of exposure to our staff and the environment. At Allandale Veterinary Hospital, we also have digital oral radiographs, just like at the dentist. This gives the veterinarian a very reliable image showing if disease or an abnormality is present below the gum line.
Ultrasonography is a valuable diagnostic tool used to detect abnormalities in internal organs. It involves sound waves that are passed through tissues to transmit an image back to a monitor. These images help to detect any irregularities in the structure of an organ. It is often used in combination with radiology (x-rays) to give a complete picture of the internal organs. The advantage of using ultrasonography is it is safe for the animal and does not normally require a full general anesthetic. To make this procedure as stress free as possible for the patient we sometimes may give a mild sedation to ease their anxiety during the process. Ultrasound is also commonly used to diagnose pregnancies at an early stage.
